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ODF Notice January 2020

Lo Divide

115.1 acres T39S R6W Sec36, T39S R6W Sec25:

Activity: Clearcut/Overstory Removal Start: 1/8/2020 End: 12/31/2020

Method(s):Cable,Ground Quantity: 1600.00 MBF

Land owner: Josephine county

Josephine County Forestry, Dave Streeter

ADDRESS: 500 N.W. 6th St., Dept. 8 Grants Pass, Oregon, 97526

PHONE:(541) 474-5291

Operator: Tina Hause Acme Resource Managment 938 Cienaga Ln.Grants Pass, Oregon 97526(541) 761-5361

Holcomb Peak 106.9 acres T39S R6W Sec3,T39S R6W Sec10

Activity: Clearcut/Overstory Removal Start: 1/2/2020 End: 12/31/2020: Method(s):Cable,Ground Quantity: 2000.00 MBF

Landowner and operator: MTI Forester, Murphy Timber Investments 797511th Street White City, Oregon 97503 (541) 826-2811

Bear Wallow 114.1 acres T39S R6W Sec3,T39S R6W Sec11,T39S R6W Sec10,T39S R6W Sec2

Activity: Clearcut/Overstory Removal Start: 1/2/2020 End:12/31/2020

Method(s):Cable,Ground Quantity: 2500.00 MB

Land owner and operator: MTI Forester. Murphy Timber Investments 7975 11th Street White City, Oregon 97503 (541) 826-2811