The following privately owned MTI Forester Murphy Timber Investments land was granted a continuation into 2023 for a clearcut/overstory removal treatment. Both sites occur in…
ODF Notices
WCFP’s mission is to promote ecologically maintained forests. This includes communicating with land owners of timber properties requesting them to consider using environmentally responsible logging practices. These timber lands will potentially be clear cut and sprayed with pesticides. We will post notices of ODF applications for timber activities in the Williams Creek watershed on this page. Please consider supporting our mission by sending a letter to the land owner expressing your concerns.
Click here to download a sample letter.
Lower Divide RD ApplicationAugust 30th Location and acreage of the herbicide treatmentsT39S R6W Sec26, 112.6 acres LandownerJohn Hancock Life Insurance Company USA c/o HFMMedford SilvicultureJohn…
Rock Creek Owner: Link PhillippiRough and Ready Forests Company, LLCPO Box 340Selma, Oregon 97538541-597-2003 Area: T39S R5W Sec28, Size: 132 acres Activity: Herbicide Application (Unit) …
Bear Wallow, Activity: Clearcut/Overstory, Removal Area: T39S R6W Sec3, T39S R6W Sec11, T39S R6W Sec10, T39S R6W Sec2, Size: 114.1 acres…
Following is an Oregon Department of Forestry notice on BLM land.You can expect log trucks on Fields rd during the operation dates of Oct through…
Lone Creek area T39S R5W Sec 20, 85.5 acres Activity: Clearcut/Overstory Removal Start: 4/1/2021 End: 12/31/2021 Method(s): Cable Ground Quantity: 1200.00 MBF Owner: Corey Copeland ORM Timber Fund IV…
Bill Creek and Rt Hand Fork of the West Fork 172.2. acres, T39S R5W Sec 19, 7,18, Quantity 800 MBF 155.9 acres, T39S R6W Sec…
Lo Divide 115.1 acres T39S R6W Sec36, T39S R6W Sec25: Activity: Clearcut/Overstory Removal Start: 1/8/2020 End: 12/31/2020 Method(s):Cable,Ground Quantity: 1600.00 MBF Land owner: Josephine county…
OWNER: CHUCK GRABOW COMPANY: Ocean View Investments, LLC ADDRESS: P.O. Box 190109 Boise, Idaho, 83719-010 PHONE:(208) 340-8096 Location: Clapboard Gulch Rehab 98.0 acres T 39S…
Lone Creek area T39S R5W Sec 20 84.4 acres Activity: Clearcut/Overstory Removal Start Date: 4/26/2019 End: 12/31/2019 Method(s):Cable,Ground Quantity: 1531.00 MBF Land owner Mikaela Gosney…